Time – Your Best Friend

Time is the one thing in life that you can be sure will never change. 

Nowadays a lot of us feel we don’t have enough time to get the things we need to get done, done. However this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Each day you have a whole 24 hours to chase your dreams. A lot of people waste time on things that aren’t important, on people who don’t deserve your time and you do not focus on what you actually want to achieve.

Don’t get me wrong we all have a lot going on in ours lives. Work, hobbies, children, families and much more but you must make sure you utilise each and every minute you have. Each day that goes past that you don’t progress and chase your dreams is a lost day.

To really be productive we must view our time as money. 

Imagine each day you woke up with £86,400 in your bank account, it carries over no balance from day-to-day, what would you do with it? Spend every penny I’m sure.. Well you do have this and its called your “time bank” each day you are gifted with 86,400 seconds, live in the present and make sure every second counts!! 

There are several different things you can do that will help you utilise your time:

  1. Get into an “optimal sleeping pattern” – I understand that in the modern-day this can be difficult but we can try but if you can master this then you will find out how many hours sleep your body needs and what time to wake up when your body is ready to go again. If this is 6am – great – get up and do the things “you don’t have time to do” if you were to wake up at 9am.
  2. Each morning write down exactly what you want to achieve that day, no matter how small, its’ still progress.
  3. Before bed recap on the day you’ve had and figure out where you could save time and where you could spend your time more effectively.
  4. Don’t be afraid to “put things off” – a lot of people see this as procrastination however I view it more as prioritising, make sure you get things done that make a difference and put off the things that can be done later but remember – write them down! Even if they aren’t important now, they may be later in the week and if they’re not, scrap ’em!
  5. Live each day to the fullest – remember your life is precious, each day is yours and each day wasted will never be given back to you. Do the things you love, spend time with people who bring the best out of you and keep moving forward.

If you calculated the time you waste on social media sites, on your phones, texting friends and running round doing things you don’t enjoy you would be amazed..  You could be using this time to chase YOUR dreams.

Personally I am currently: working full-time as an Assistant Gym Manager, studying to become a Personal Training, Blogging, training twice a week with football, building a future with my girlfriend and spending time with close friends. Yet each day I make sure that I live my life to the fullest and making the most of every opportunity that arises.

It’s time to empty your time bank.

What Defines Us?


How easy would the journey through life be, if we didn’t have setbacks..

In my eyes this couldn’t be further from the truth – our setbacks are what make us stronger, what builds character and what ultimately defines us.

After starting this blog I was apprehensive of the feedback I would get from friends and loved ones, however this has spurred me on to write more.

There will never be a moment where we do something great that won’t be critisised along the way. It is how we utilise this negative energy in a positive way. When you are passionate about something we must make sure that nothing stands in our way, we know what we want to achieve and we know how we are going to do it. If you have somebody that doesn’t believe in the direction you are going in then this isn’t somebody that you shouldn’t be surrounding yourself with.

Everyone will go through setbacks that make us doubt our future. Some of us will allow that one small moment to define us. Walt Disney was fired from a newspaper for “lacking imagination & having no original ideas”. He didn’t allow this moment to stop him from achieving his dream.

We all get nervous when we venture into the unknown. If we didn’t then it wouldn’t be worthwhile doing, stick with your gut, love what you do and continue to be great.

You Are a Badass

At the beginning of the year I told myself I need to read, study and learn more.. I’ve set myself the challenge of 1 book a month – Here is my favourite so far this year! Great read and if you feel like you need some self motivation to believe you can achieve better and do more then pick this book up.

“You are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life.” – Jen Sincero

This section really stuck out to me – “It never ceases to amaze me the precious time we spend chasing the squirrels around or brains, playing out or dreams, worrying about unwanted facial hair, seeking adoration, justifying our actions, complaining about slow internet connects, dissecting the lives of idiots, when we are sitting in the middle of a full-blown miracle that is happening right here, right now.” Page 36.

How to Achieve your Dream


Everyone has a different idea of what success looks like. We spend all our time dreaming about what we want to achieve however how much time do we really spend figuring out how we are going to get there?

We all have completely different dreams that we want to achieve in life, some may be – becoming a millionaire, owning a big house, being successful in that dream job. However we must realise that not all dream must be about material possessions, some of the worlds greatest leaders dream were as simple as – be a great father or husband. I have asked one simple question to many close friends – “if you could do one thing knowing that you wouldn’t fail, what would it be?” the answers have amazed me, such a variety of different responses and this has shown me how unique we all are.

These 5 steps will help you to achieve your dream:

1. Stop being average – If you are reading this you are ready to get serious about what you want to achieve in life. Be ambitious, aim high and don’t let anyone else stop you. It is easy to come with an answer to this question straight away but you need to sit down and really think about what one dream you would like to fulfil.

2. What is your dream – Be honest with yourself and be selfish. This is your dream and nobody else’s. For some people this may be to get that dream job, to buy that Porsche you’ve always wanted however somebody else may dream about becoming a father, being the best husband they can be or as simple as living a healthy lifestyle.

3. Set a goal – How can anyone truly achieve their dream if they have no idea what success really looks like. Make sure you know exactly what the final product is when setting a goal. I believe that writing this goal down or sharing it with a loved one makes it much more likely for you to achieve it. Write your goals down on a piece of paper and leave it next to your bed, this should be the last thing you look at before bed and the first thing you look at in the morning, this will keep them fresh at the front of your mind and remember do 1 small step each day is going to help you get closer to that dream.

4. Stay Motivated – We all have different ways to stay motivated. Be it reading our favourite book, listening to our favourite music artist or speaking to that one person that keeps us grounded. Set time aside each day to do these things, motivation is extremely easy to lose if we don’t see results straight away.

5. Enjoy the process – Don’t get bogged down if you don’t achieve that dream straight away. Failure makes us stronger, more ambitious and builds character. Remember that our goals may change, we must keep them updated. Grab a notepad and using this as your dream journal, each time you think of something that you want to do in life write it down.

We all have unlimited potential in life, its time to get out of our comfort zone and achieve those dreams.

How do you live your life?

Scuba Diver or Snorkeler?

Many of us live completely different lifestyles.

There is so much out there to be learnt, experienced, enjoyed..Yet so many of us are happy to stick to our “daily rituals” , to walk the same way to work each day, talk to the same people about the same things but what are we really achieving from this? Are we living to our true potential?

First I’d like you to think, which one would you rather be..

The Scuba Diver vs The Snorkeler

The snorkeler lives life on the surface. Here everything is beautiful, there is no danger and things feel “safe”. Merely an observer of life and no truly experiencing the endless possibilities it throws at you. Each day comes and goes but what do you really achieve? You aren’t constantly pushed to your limits..

Is this really what you want?

The life of a scuba diver is much more interesting. First you think about how intense the pressure is, how dark it is and how dangerous it can be.. However you must look at the positives in this, the sheer strength of the creatures that live there, how powerful and bold they are! Yes the pressure is much higher and harder but just think about the vast amount of knowledge you can learn and unlimited potential you can achieve! Enjoy the experience and really get involved in everything life has to offer you.

know where I would rather be..