How do you live your life?

Scuba Diver or Snorkeler?

Many of us live completely different lifestyles.

There is so much out there to be learnt, experienced, enjoyed..Yet so many of us are happy to stick to our “daily rituals” , to walk the same way to work each day, talk to the same people about the same things but what are we really achieving from this? Are we living to our true potential?

First I’d like you to think, which one would you rather be..

The Scuba Diver vs The Snorkeler

The snorkeler lives life on the surface. Here everything is beautiful, there is no danger and things feel “safe”. Merely an observer of life and no truly experiencing the endless possibilities it throws at you. Each day comes and goes but what do you really achieve? You aren’t constantly pushed to your limits..

Is this really what you want?

The life of a scuba diver is much more interesting. First you think about how intense the pressure is, how dark it is and how dangerous it can be.. However you must look at the positives in this, the sheer strength of the creatures that live there, how powerful and bold they are! Yes the pressure is much higher and harder but just think about the vast amount of knowledge you can learn and unlimited potential you can achieve! Enjoy the experience and really get involved in everything life has to offer you.

know where I would rather be..

3 thoughts on “How do you live your life?

  1. Great blog!

    I really like how you’ve explored the two perspectives of life – floating on the surface like an observer vs. being under the ocean & really participating in the experience (despite the pressure).

    Nice job – I look forward to reading more… 🙂


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